The Antarctic Vortex had us shivering in our boots but, aside from the silver lining of getting to wear gloves, hat, coat and that giant scarf you’ve always wanted to pull out without feeling ridiculous, there’s another big bonus. You can drink mulled wine, tuck into a big bowl of fondue and almost believe you’re doing it all in a European ski chalet.
Enter The Chalet. Settling comfortably into the shell left by The Victoria Room’s opulent setting, this pop up ski bar has everything except the shot ski and people dancing on the tables in ski boots.
There’s a big fire pit, fur skin throws on the furniture, copper glasses of mulled wine, vintage skis, a wood pile, chair lift hanging above the stairs and faux snow falling from the ceiling.
It’s cute, cosy and comes from the guys behind The Island and The Lobo Plantation. Never afraid to do something different, they’ve run with the theme.
Along with cheesey or dark chocolate fondue, crumbed camembert with mulled wine chutney takes you straight to the French Alps. Sticky short rib skewers and smoked brisket sliders are Aspen on a plate. The heaped bowl of potato skins are just the trick after a hard day on the runs but on a Saturday night in Sydney, they’re just damn good. To keep things toasty Reuben, croquet monsieur and brisket jaffles comes hot from the kitchen all night long.
Keep an eye on the bar for bursts of flames – the blow torch comes out to char the marshmallow garnish on “Swiss Chocolate”, a “milk punch” served in a tea cup. Save that for dessert and have some fun with Ski Patrol’s pineapple, cinnamon, Cointreau and white rum.
See you on the slopes.
The Chalet
235 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst
Wednesday and Thursday 5pm – Midnight
Friday 5pm – 2am
Saturday 5pm – 2am
Images courtesy The Chalet